Better Homes & Gardens ‘New Home Buyers’ Study

Millennial home buyers are more active on social media and plan to entertain more at home than other generations, according to the Better Homes & Gardens New Home Buyers report
The study found that 65% of Millennial home buyers see purchasing a home as a good investment, versus 56% of both GenX and Boomer buyers. More Millennials view home purchases as a sign of success (31%) than do other generations (22% of GenXers and 12% of Boomers).
Millennial buyers desire homes in major suburbs, in neighborhoods with good schools and quick commuting options, in proximity to stores like Trader Joe’s, and with room for pets. 3 in 4 (77%) of recent Millennial home buyers own at least one pet, and pet ownership spans generations for recent home buyers, with 77% of GenXers and 68% Boomers also reporting that they own pets.
Millennial home buyers want their homes to be entertainment and social-media ready: one in three Millennial recent home buyers say they need their home to be “attractive enough for social media.”