Whole Foods Report On Millennial Shoppers

Quality drives millennial food shopping, and they are willing to pay more for it, according to a new Whole Foods Market survey conducted by YouGov. Eighty percent of millennials value quality when it comes to food shopping, and nearly 70% are willing to spend more money on high quality foods.
Another trend that emerged is more informed purchasing decisions. A majority of millennials want to know where their food comes from and how it is sourced. Transparency in food sourcing is important to more than 65% of millennials, particularly for fresh meat and seafood. More than half of millennials will pay more for products that have adopted animal welfare standards and prefer to buy those responsibly sourced. Compared to five years ago, nearly 70% of millennials read labels more closely. More than 60% are more concerned about additives and growth hormones. Half of millennials buy more organic products than they did five years ago.
Plant-based and unprocessed foods are becoming more popular with 63 percent of millennials trying to incorporate them into their diets.